A cozy, little tattoo studio in the heart of Tórshavn

• Sofía •

Eigari & listakvinna
// Owner & Artist

Les meira // Read more

• Laura •

Eigari & listakvinna
// Owner & Artist

Les meira // Read more


Hvør kemur at vitja okkum
og nær koma tey?
Who’s coming to visit us
and when are they coming?

Les meira // Read more


Vegna ferð er handilin stongdur frá 23.01.25 til og við 09.02.25
Because of travel the shop is closed from 23.01.25 until 09.02.25

Tíverri verða vit ikki tøkar hesa tíðina. Teldupostar og tílíkt verður svarað, tá vit eru heimkomnar ♡

Unfortunately we won’t be available during this time. Emails and such will be answered when we return ♡

hvussu bóki eg eina tíð?

// How do I book an appointment?

To book an appointment with us, you need to send an inquiry first.

You can, of course, call us, send us an email or stop by the shop, too

Fyri at bóka eina tíð hjá okkum, skal ein umbøn sendast fyrst.

Tú kanst sjálvandi eisini ringja til okkum, senda okkum ein teldupost ella støkka inn á gólvið

Tú finnur okkum her!
// You’ll find us here!