Laura Gunnváardóttir

Sum nógv onnur kreativ børn, so hevur Laura teknað og málað síðani hon hevur kunna hildið í einum blýanti, og hevur hon droymt um at verða listakvinna síðani hon gekk í barnagarð. Hon teknar mest fólk, portrettir og hennara stýlur fer ofta myrka og melankolska vegin. Ella bjart og litríkt!

Sum 15 ára gomul avgjørdi Laura, at hon ynskti at tatovera. Hon byrjaði við at uppsøkja tatovørar ið komu til Føroya. Tá møtti hon Fjölnir og hann var meir enn fegin at lova henni at sita og hyggja at, meðan hann tatoveraði.

Stutt eftir hetta fekk Laura eitt lærupláss hjá einum bretskum tatovøri, men aftaná nakrir mánaðir gavst hesin at koma til Føroyar. Tatoveringsdreymurin mátti bíða.

Akkurát sum so nógvar aðrar kreativar typur, so hevur Laura havt eitt hav av ymsum starvsheitum; gartnari, kokkur, vaskifólk, barrvørður, hjálparfólk í barnagarði og hon var eisini í læru sum skeltatøkningur í eina løtu.
Listaliga arbeiðið var tó altíð í bakgrundini, og hetta var bara ikki nóg gott. Laura avgjørdi í 2021, at nú skuldi tatoveringsdreymurin langt um leingi vera veruleiki, og “the rest is history”, sum tey siga ♡

Like many other creative children, Laura has been drawing and painting from the time she could hold a pencil, and has dreamed of being an artist since kindergarten. She mostly draws and paints people, portraits, and her style often steers towards the dark and melancholic. Or bold and colourful!

At 15 years old Laura decided that she wanted to tattoo. She started by reaching out to tattoo-artists travelling to the Faroe Islands. At this time she met Fjölnir and he was more than happy to let her sit and watch while he was tattooing.

Shortly after, Laura got an apprenticeship with a British artist, but after some months this artist stopped working in the Faroe Islands. The tattoo-dream had to wait.

Just like so many creative types, Laura has had a plethora of job-titles; gardener, cook, cleaner, bartender, helper at kindergartens and also apprenticed to be a sign-maker for a short time.
The artistic work kept staying in the background and this just wasn’t good enough. In 2021 Laura decided that it was time to realise the tattoo-dream and the rest is history, as they say ♡