Fá samband við okkum
//Contact us

Besti hátturin at fáa samband við okkum er at antin ringja til okkara, senda okkum ein teldupost ella at støkka inn á gólvið hjá okkum og fá eitt lítið prát og ein lítlan kaffimun ♡

Vit svara teldupostum innan 5 arbeiðsdagar.

Vit royna sum best ber til at svara boðum á Instagram og Facebook, men hesir boðklivar vera ikki kannaðir dagliga longur.
Sjálvvirkandi boðini á hesum miðlum hava allar upplýsingar, sum tær tørvar fyri at skjótari fáa á okkum ♡

The best way to contact us is to either call us, send us an email or by stopping by our shop for a little chat and a little coffee ♡

We reply to emails within 5 workdays.

We do of course try our best to answer messages on Instagram and Facebook, but these inboxes are longer monitored on the daily.
Our auto-response on these platforms has all the information you might need to contact us quicker ♡

Tlfnr // Phone
+298 277200

Ætlar tú at senda ein spurning áðrenn bókingina ella kanska tú hevur hug at tosa við okkum um títt snið fyrst?
Trýst á viðtalu-knøttin.
Thinking of sending us a question before booking, or maybe you would like to talk to us about your design first?
Click the consultation-button.