Hvat sigur lógin um tatoveringar?

What does the law say about tattoos?

English translation* below.

Tað vanliga, sum vit hoyra frá summum kundum er: “Jú, men har stendur at lógin ikki er galdandi í Føroyum. Er tað so ikki í ordan at tatovera fólk undir 18/hendur/nakkan/o.s.fr.”

Jú, har stendur í §3 2): “Loven gælder ikke for Færøerne og Grønland, men kan ved kgl. anordning sættes i kraft for disse landsdele med de afvigelser, som de særlige færøske og grønlandske forhold tilsiger.”

Men, sum tú sært, so stendur tað í viðmerking 2): “Sat i kraft for Færøerne ved kongelig anordning nr. 351 af 15. august 1967 uden ændringer.”

Eisini er ein broyting gjørd í  §1 við løgtingslóg nr. 168 av 16. desember 2021. Hendan broytingin herdi revsingina úr “straffes med bøde eller hæfte, medmindre højere straf er forskyldt efter den øvrige lovgivning.” í “straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 4 måneder, medmindre højere straf er forskyldt efter den øvrige lovgivning.”

Vit fylgja galdandi lógunum, ið eru fyri okkara øki.

The typical thing, that we hear from some of our customers is “but it says that the law does not apply to the Faroe Islands, so isn’t it legal to tattoo an underage person/hands/neck/etc.

Yes, it does state in §3 2): “This law does not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland, but can by Royal decree be put into effect  for these regions with the deviations that the special Faroese and Greenlandic conditions dictate.”

But, as you can see in comment 2) it states: “Entered into effect for the Faroe Islands by Royal Decree No. 351 of 15. august 1967 without changes.”

A change to the law was also made with løgtings-law nr 168 of the 16th of December 2021. This change has toughened the punishment from “is punished by a fine or mitigated imprisonment, unless a higher penalty is due according to the other legislation.” to “is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 4 months, unless a higher penalty is due under the other legislation."

We follow the current laws within our field.

Nr. 194

Law about tattooing, put into effect by Royal decree nr. 351 from the 15th of august, 1967 and changed by løgtings-law nr. 168 from the 16th of December, 2021.

§ 1. 1) The individual who tattoos another person under the age of 18 is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to 4 months, unless a higher penalty is due under the other legislation.

prt 2. In this same way the person who tattoos a person on the head, neck or hands, is punished.

§ 2. The law is entered into effect on the 15th of june, 1966.

§ 3. 2) This law does not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland, but can by Royal decree be put into effect  for these regions with the deviations that the special Faroese and Greenlandic conditions dictate.”

1) Changed by løgtings-law nr. 168 from the 16th of December, 2021

2) Entered into effect for the Faroe Islands by Royal Decree No. 351 of 15. august 1967 without changes.

*English translation:

*Translated to the best of the abilities of a non-native English speaking tattoo-artist. Pls. Be kind.
I’m not a lawyer.