Jānis Cepurītis
Jānis Cepurītis er ein dugnaligur tatovørur, ið er serkønur innan realismu; bæði lit- og svart/hvít realismu. Hann gongur høgt uppí at fanga allar tær lítlu detaljurnar, ið veruliga geva tatoveringina lív.
Har afturat er Jānis útbúgvin sum portrettmálari á Florence Academy of Art.
Meiri av arbeiði hansara sæst á hansara instagram síðu.
Jānis Cepurītis is a talented realism artist; both colour- and black/grey realism. He takes great care to catch all the small details that truly will bring the tattoo to life.
On top of this, Jānis is educated in portrait painting at the Florence Academy of Art.
More of his work can be seen on his instagram page.
To book with Jānis follow this link
Dates: 29.04.24-01.05.24